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Play - The research supports it

Updated: Mar 23, 2022

Anytime I present or post about play it happens. Someone raises a hand, sends a message, or reaches out because they are fearful play is going to disappear in their school or district. It saddens me, but then I remind them of the one tool we have in our arsenal to combat the elimination of play in our classrooms - research.

Below are a few slides from my presentation on play and links to the full research behind them. In addition, I'm going to share some books that support play in the classroom.

Research (click each quote to link to the full resource)

Janine Hostettler Scharer article on Vygotsky and Play

17895-Article Text-16744-1-10-20171127
Download PDF • 139KB

Stuart Lester and Wendy Russell's Play for a Change

Download PDF • 472KB

NAEYC article - explore and search their website as they have MANY

Additionally, the following books on Play are helpful, specifically to play in the classroom.

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